The Dems could nominate Karl Marx and win

Filed in National by on February 13, 2020

The pants-pissers and professional Democratic worry worts are getting paid big money to act like there is a close election coming up. There isn’t. Trump has been fucking horrible and everyone and I mean EVERYONE outside of his Nazi-party rallies knows it. Don’t listen to people being paid to frighten you. Trump is done.

Sure, we still need to work hard and elect a bunch of down ticket Dems, but I’m so not worried about the eventual Democrat nominee winning. Also, please recall that I am always right about these things.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    This is truly wholesome content.

    And we won’t execute Chris Matthews. We decided at tonight’s meeting. Awkwardly close vote though. I accept the democratic decision.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    To wit.

    Relatedly! I actually think in the event of a Sanders nomination most Dem electeds (even some you wouldn’t expect) would get in line. It’s the consultant/campaign class that depends for its livelihood on the current fundraising model that would cry bloody murder.

  3. Rusty Dils says:

    Sweet dreams baby, how long will you dream. This election will be the end of the Democrat part as we know it. Total massacre. Keep this post and let’s repost on November 4th.

    • RE Vanella says:

      You’re scared to death. You should be.

      • Ben says:

        no, he’s right. a lot of Crowley-crats are gonna get toasted in the primaries. Tom Perez and his marry band of Clintonites will finally be flushed out of the party. End of the shitty democratic party as we know it, beginning of the trump trials.

        also on election night, im quite sure magats intend to murder fellow Americans to please daddy. SO be careful out there.

    • Not a Socialist Dem says:

      So true… But let’s focus on that dumb idiot Townsend.