Delaware Liberal

Working Families Party Announces Endorsement Slate in State & Local Delaware Races

Awesome to see The Working Families Party investing in Delaware down ballot races.  It isn’t an election, it is a movement.  

Wilmington, Del. — Today, the Working Families Party announced its first state & local endorsements in Delaware for the 2020 election cycle comes as the progressive third-party sets its sights on bringing the progressive movement to Delaware. The WFP has endorsed Madinah Wilson-Anton (District 26) and Larry Lambert (District 7) for the Delaware State House, and in Wilmington, they are supporting Coby Owens for the City Council, District 1. 

“Working Families Party candidates have upset entrenched political machines from Connecticut to New Mexico, and now that movement is coming to Delaware,” said Maurice Mitchell, National Director of the  Working Families Party. “We support candidates who will fight for a bold progressive agenda, a $15 minimum wage, ending mass incarceration, and getting big money out of politics. It’s going to be a new day in Delaware.”

This year, the Working Families Party is committed to building the movement towards a $15 minimum wage in Delaware, and electing leaders ready to build an economy that works for the many, not the few. The WFP has played a critical role in winning a $15 minimum wage in states and cities across the country, including Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, and Denver, with active campaigns in Rhode Island and New Mexico

The Working Families Party is a grassroots political party that recruits, trains, and elects the next generation of progressive leaders to office. Most recently, the WFP elected Kendra Brooks as the first third-party candidate in Philadelphia’s history. Her victory was a capstone for an incredible progressive winning streak for the WFP in local elections across America.

“I’m thrilled to have the WFP endorsement, said Madinah Wilson-Anton, candidate for Delaware State House, District 26. “As a young, working, black woman – I appreciate the work WFP has done for my community and look forward to making positive changes here at home.”

“It is my honor to be a Working Families Party candidate. It is only through solidarity that we can hope to achieve basic dignities like a living wage and a clean environment, said Larry Lambert, candidate for Delaware State House, District 7. “Together, I hope we make a difference in Delaware and throughout the nation.” 

“I am honored to be endorsed by the Working Families Party. As we work to address root issues and societal inequities, it is essential for diverse communities to be represented, said Coby Owens, candidate for Wilmington City Council, District 1. “The Working Families Party has been a leading force for change across the nation. Together, I look forward to bringing sustainable and tangible change to Wilmington.”

In 2019, the WFP helped elect longtime tenants organizer and progressive champion Jumaane Williams as Public Advocate in New York City, swelled the ranks of Chicago city council progressive caucus, made history in Philadelphia by electing Kendra Brooks, helped make Stephen Mason the first Black mayor of Cedar Hill, Texas, helped insurgent Latinx LGBTQ social worker Candi CdeBaca oust a longtime incumbent on the Denver City Council, and elected other council members from Morgantown, W.Va., to Phoenix, Ariz. In 2018 the WFP ended Republican control of the New York State Senate and helped flip the Colorado state senate, and elected progressive champions in state legislatures around the country. 

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