Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, Feb. 14, 2020

Yep, if you haven’t done so already, you can join the Parade Of The Desparate Men, now forming at a florist or grocery store near you.  I’ll be in line early somewhere myself…

The Trump-Barr Tiff.  Translation: ‘I’m trying to destroy the Justice Department as we know it. If you’d just stop tweeting, I could complete the total gutting now under way’.

DNC Was Deeply Involved In Developing Disastrous App For Iowa Caucuses.  Meaning that DNC Chair Perez is, what’s the word I’m looking for, lying, when he lays this debacle at the feet of the Iowa Democratic Chair, who has already resigned.

Bloomberg: Taxing The Rich ‘A Problem’.  No, this isn’t something exhumed from decades ago. We’re talking 2018.  How the hell is he gonna offload all of this plutocratic baggage when he emerges on a debate stage?  I can understand how the idea of a Bloomberg candidacy has appeal, but the reality of what he stands for may prove to be a bridge too far for Democratic primary voters. Yes, even moderate Democratic primary voters.  BTW, how long before Markell endorses him? Answer: The day after the final implosion of the Biden candidacy.

Meet Jim Biden.  Biden’s younger brother.  A ne’er-do-well. Big brother Joe has always been there to help young Jim escape financial depredation by working his own network of connected business pals and/or just happening to show up at events that Jimmy is hosting.  I’m sorry, but Hunter Biden is not a non-story.  Joe’s history of engaging in just these sorts of dealings on behalf of family members is longstanding and unethical, just as it has been for members of the DuPont family like the Copelands.  Today’s must-read.

The Trouble With Anti-Populism.  Why ‘champions of civility’ keep losing.

McGuiness Pushes For Audit Of UD Books.  It’s as simple as this. Every June 30, the University Of Delaware loads up its figurative Armored Car with tens of millions in state dollars.  For like, forever, UD has been able to avoid state oversight of how it spends these dollars, all while pushing state students off to other institutions rather than using those dollars to educate those students.  Now, whether the Kramedas Keystone Kops are kapable of konducting such an audit is an open question.  But the taxpayers (and prospective in-state students) deserve answers.  General Assembly: The ball’s in your court.

D Legislators Looking To Kill Live-Streaming?  Spare me the ‘cost’ argument.  Enabling the live-streaming of both legislative sessions and committee meetings is in the public interest, pure and simple.  And it’s really not that expensive.  The ‘fear’ that caucus meetings might inadvertently be streamed is, as John Flaherty points out, a ‘red herring’.  There is simply no justifiable argument for opposing this initiative. I’m with the R’s on this one.

What do you want to talk about?

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