DL Open Thread: Sat., Feb. 15, 2020

Filed in Featured by on February 15, 2020

Andrew McCabe Will Not Be Prosecuted.  After two years of a rogue president dragging him through Hell. 

Donald Trump–Pretending To Be A Born-Again Christian.  His Pastor/Enablers aren’t fooled.  It’s just a big lie they have to spread to their respective flocks of sheeple.

Bush-Appointed Judge Blast White House’s ‘Banana Republic’ Interference.  This helps until we completely lose the Judiciary to Moscow Mitch’s machinations.

Joe Biden: Still Full Of Shit On His Youthful Civil Rights Activism.   I remember that, as a kid, I wasn’t allowed to go to the Rialto b/c it was segregated.  But, I digress. Biden has been falsely proclaiming his civil rights activism for, wait while I do the math, almost 60 years now. It’s a lie.  His dad was a car salesman, right?

Coupe To AG’s Office.  State Police Chief McQueen to be nominated for Homeland Security Secretary. Me, I’d much rather have a black state police chief stay as head of the state police. You know, as some sort of check on officers’ basest instincts.

Trump’s Billion Dollar Disinformation Campaign.  This is what we’re dealing with.  Today’s must-read.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    ” This helps until we completely lose the Judiciary to Moscow Mitch’s machinations.”

    Moscow Mitch’s machinations and Coons’ ardent & helpful bipartisanship