Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Feb. 18, 2020

Bloomberg Attacks So-Called ‘Bernie Bros’.  Bloomberg as victim. Right. If you can’t simply demean the candidate, demean his supporters.  How did that work out with Hillary calling out the ‘Deplorables’?

Boy Scouts Declare Bankruptcy.  So that they don’t have to pay for allowing pedophiles to run rampant on their watch.

Federal Judges Call Emergency Meeting To Figure Out How To Deal With Barr/Trump Interference.  This is not business as usual. Oh, and former federal prosecutors calling for Barr to resign now number over 2000.

Plastic Clogging Landfills B/C Recyclers Don’t Know How To Recycle Plastic:

Many plastic items that Americans put in their recycling bins aren’t being recycled at all, according to a major new survey of hundreds of recycling facilities across the US.

The research, conducted by Greanpeace and released on Tuesday, found that out of 367 recycling recovery facilities surveyed none could process coffee pods, fewer than 15% accepted plastic clamshells – such as those used to package fruit, salad or baked goods – and only a tiny percentage took plates, cups, bags and trays.

The findings confirm the results of a Guardian investigation last year, which revealed that numerous types of plastics are being sent straight to landfill in the wake of China’s crackdown on US recycling exports. Greenpeace’s findings also suggest that numerous products labeled as recyclable in fact have virtually no market as new products.

Trump Will Cheat.  I know, Dog Bites Man. But the sheer scope of the cheating is the road map to his reelection. 

What do you want to talk about?

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