Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Feb. 20, 2020

Did Trump Offer Julian Assange A Pardon In Exchange For Kremlin Krumbs?  Evidence suggests that, yes, yes he did.  Using the Kremlin’s favorite Kongressman, Dana Rohrabacher.

Trump Nominates Another Fox To Guard Henhouse.  Yes, of course, an ‘acting appointee’, as opposed to someone requiring Senate approval.  I would welcome a skeptic to be the Director Of National Intelligence, but not a ‘skeptic’ who will seek to turn the institutions into yet another part of Trump’s reelection campaign.  Nobody asked me, though.

Report: Oil And Gas Companies Have Emitted 40% More Methane Than Previously Thought.  Betcha the polluters knew that they were spewing more than they were letting on, though.

Stone To Be Sentenced Today(?).  The only question is how swiftly will Trump pardon him?

Amazon Seeks To Extort More Money From Delaware.  Alby flagged this yesterday, but it can’t go unnoticed. There is likely not an entity anywhere that needs state $$’s less than Amazon, an Evil Empire if ever there was one.  However, since John Carney and his Chamber pals have privatized ‘economic development’,  the General Assembly will have no say in stopping this money grab.  It’s fucking disgraceful.

AG Asks For More JFC Funding.   Her request makes total sense to me. Earl Jaques and David Lawson come across as idiots. As does the Governor, whose ‘budget-smoothing’ straitjacket limits essential services. When Jaques asks why the funding wasn’t in the Governor’s budget, the answer is that the Governor is nothing but a numbers guy, not a policy guy. Besides, who can afford these services when we have to bribe Amazon? Priorities, pipples.

What do you want to talk about?

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