Biden’s Gone Barmy

Filed in National by on February 22, 2020

The Legend of Super Joe Biden grows by the week. He’s now claiming that he was arrested in South Africa when he tried to visit the imprisoned Nelson Mandela.

The Democratic presidential candidate told some version of the following story at one campaign event in South Carolina and two in Nevada over the past two weeks, per The New York Times: On a visit to South Africa decades ago, he claims he tried to visit Nelson Mandela in prison and got arrested.

“This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid,” Biden can be heard saying in a video from the South Carolina event on Feb. 11. “I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on [Robben] Island.”

Andrew Young, the U.N. ambassador when Biden visited South Africa in the late 1970s, says nothing like that ever happened, and Biden did not mention it in his account of that trip in his autobiography.

Ironic, isn’t it, that Trump spent so much effort and got himself impeached by trying to sabotage a Democrat who’s doing a perfectly good job of sabotaging himself. By next week we’ll be hearing about the time cops beat him bloody on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Hehe. You’re further in the woods than most.

    But you’re going to get health care and security and justice too. Your kids. Your parents. Your neighbors. Everyone.

    So we’re good, bro.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    I’m feeling gracious. So, here’s a very good clue. Arcane rules, unimaginative thinking, widgets, regular media, wonkery, even money, don’t matter when the message reasonates this deeply and we organize significantly more people.

    What you believe politics is simply isn’t anymore. It’s what it was. If it ever was.
    Anyway. That’s over.

    It’s going to be weird. Totally get it.

    • Alby says:

      You’re going to find out the hard way exactly how few people share your vision.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Yeah, Sanders is really struggling for votes. Who’s confused about the number of people who share the vision? Lol

        Look, it socialism or fascistic barbarism.

        I feel pretty comfortable on my side. I’m not scared. You’re scared! 🤓

        You want people to teach me lesson? Ok, old boomers and people who pray to the altar of the establishment. Get off your fat assess and go knock doors for Mayo Pete or Warren. Make a difference!

        Hahahahaha. You don’t have any special knowledge I don’t have. Don’t pretend you know and I don’t.

      • RE Vanella says:

        What if you’re about to find out how many people agree with me? Because, fyi, that’s what is happening. Have you been following it? 🤣

  3. RE Vanella says:

    This cat is way smarter than me. Hence this is a better explanation.

    It’s funny when progressives protest from outside of the political process they’re reprimanded for not understanding how politics works and urged to get in the game. When they get in the game and begin to change how we do politics they’re condemned for not falling in line.