Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 14-20, 2020

1. Word on the street is that Deborah Harrington flat-out killed at the last New Castle County Democratic Party meeting. I was told by an attendee that she was positively inspirational. Harrington is running against R incumbent Kevin Hensley in the 9th RD, which meanders west of the Delaware River from just south of Delaware City to Smyrna.  Here’s a map.  The current registration numbers are 9835 D; 6786 R; and 5746 I.  Since Rebecca Walker’s hasty retreat from the General Assembly, the D’s have not, to put it mildly, fielded their best candidate.  All that changes with Harrington.  She’s been canvassing non-stop, she is working closely with County Council candidate Kevin Caneco, and she has the type of background that can succeed in this swing district.  As in a stellar 25-year military career and a spate of post-military accomplishments.  Here’s her Facebook page.  I know it may sound like hyperbole, but it’s not. I have never seen a better group of insurgent candidates in Delaware than what I’ve seen this year. Jess Scarane, Sarah McBride, Marie Pinkney, Kyle Evans Gay, Larry Lambert, Madinah Wilson-Anton, Stephanie Barry, Luann D’Agostino, Eric Morrison, Coby Owens, and many more.  If I’ve excluded anyone, it’s not on purpose.  If you enjoy campaigning, there’s simply no excuse not to get involved.

2.  Aja Ajavon Files For NCC President.  She finished a distant second in her primary race in RD 5, losing by a 2-1 margin to eventual winner Kendra Johnson.  Monique Johns is also rumored to be considering this race.  Incumbent Karen Hartley-Nagle and Ciro Poppiti have already filed.

3. It’s Official–Rysheema Dixon To Challenge Hanifa Shabazz For Wilmington City Council President.  This being Wilmington, we can’t really be sure that other candidates won’t follow. Dixon currently serves as an At-Large member of Council meaning, she, like Shabazz has run citywide before.  Here is her Council page. Her run for Council President obviously opens up her At-Large seat, and politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum.

4. Filings.  State Rep. Jeff Spiegelman (R-11th) and State Rep. John Kowalko (D-25th).

That’s it for this week. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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