Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sat., Feb. 22, 2020

The Russians Boost Bernie?  In this age of disinformation, I don’t know what to believe, but I sorta believe this.  What it means is that the Rethugs, who used to develop their dirty tricks in-house (See: Muskie, Edmund) are outsourcing a significant portion of it to Putin.  Everyone OK with that?

AOC Builds Progressive Campaign Arm To Challenge Reactionary D’s.  In a significant way, this is what WFP and Leftward Delaware are doing right here.  Me likey.

Devin Nunes Aide Gets Key DNI Post.  I think we’ve lost our democracy. A Trump loyalist leading this agency with an aide to a Russian enabler cooking the books.  And not a single fucking Republican elected official even pretending to give a shit.  Oh, and this Grenell character?

Judge Amy Berman Jackson: My Hero Of The Week.   “The truth still matters.”  One can only hope.

Senators Cal On NHTSA To Stop Slow-Walking Car Seat Tests.  Kids are dying, but that doesn’t stop the lobbyists from stopping mandated safety tests.

How Jeff Bezos Could Spend His $10 Billion Pledge To Fight Climate Crisis. Or, he could run for President pledging to be the ‘climate president’.  I hear that’s the preferred course for rapacious billionaires.

What do you want to talk about?

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