Delaware Liberal

Q: Is Scarane for real?

Even while contending with a press blackout from local media, Jess Scarane and her team have built some amazing momentum in their campaign to unseat The GOP’s favorite Democrat, Chris Coons. Just take a look at some of these numbers.


This campaign is for real.   To put it in perspective, they’ve accomplished all of this at a point in time BEFORE Kerri Harris even started her campaign.   The 10,000 doors knocked on to date matches the number of doors the Kerri Harris campaign knocked on overall. Primary day is now 206 days from today. The entirety of the Harris campaign was 208 days. Scarane essentially has an entire Harris campaign of time left to win this.

In all due respect to Scarane, it should be noted that some of this amazing momentum is related to how deeply unpopular Coons is. Unlike Harris, Scarane has the advantage of running against a person who has spent his entire time in DC building his popularity exclusively among media and business elites in DC.

So this campaign is for real, and this primary is very winnable. On Monday DL will launch its online fundraiser which will allow you to take part by making a donation that will be matched. But if you don’t want to wait until Monday, you can start today.

To keep the momentum rolling, the campaign still needs people for canvass shifts, phone bank shifts. This is your opportunity to join a campaign that is rewriting the conventional wisdom about what is possible. Get more information sign up here:

Q: Is Scarane for real?

A: You are goddam right she is.

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