Delaware Liberal

“Base Turnout Election” Defined

A base turnout election is one in which candidates and parties focus on appealing to the energy and creativity of their “base” voters and eschew watering down their partisan message and values in order to appeal to so-called “swing” voters. Nobody has ever encountered a swing voter, but they are alleged to be free to vote for either party or candidate provided they are courted with a “Goldilocks” message that is not too hot, or too cold, but just right.

“base turnout” is an election strategy that Republicans have used to great effect but Democrats have ignored. This appears to be changing as more Democrats bypass professional DC based consultants and embrace a left-of-center message to mobilize and expand the Democratic base.

Democrats have found that in chasing a narrow swath of mythical swing voters, Democratic Party leadership has ignored a broader coalition of voters who have delivered blue victories time and time again.

A public service message from DL. You’re Welcome.

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