Delaware Liberal

Super Tuesday Preview Thread

Expectations for Biden are sky high after a day of rolling up (almost) all of the moderate Republicans running for the Democratic nomination. It is hard to see how he can beat those expectations, but I’m sure MSNBC will come up with some rationale to explain why Biden did spectacularly.

Who knows? Maybe he will do spectacularly. If the Republicans Amy Klobuchar was begging to vote for Biden could vote, he would be sitting pretty.

I’ll be interested in the “Biden + Bloomberg” vote vs the “Sanders + Warren” vote. California, for example, appears to be rejecting Clintonian Third Way politics outright. just updated its primary forecast to give Biden a razor thin delegates advantage going into the convention. Biden: 1,561. Sanders: 1,532

According to Nate Silver’s reckoning, if all of Bloomberg’s predicted delegates go to Biden, and all of Warren’s delegates go to Sanders, Biden would win the nomination outright just prior to the convention with 2,123 of 1,990 required delegates. Why Bloomberg didn’t endorse Biden today is a bit of a mystery to me.

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