Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., March 5, 2020

Rethugs Make It Harder For College Students To Vote.  Without voter suppression, they’d literally have no chance.  Voter suppression is built into every strategy they employ. 

Steve Bullock To Run For US Senate From Montana?  If so, that seat is in play.  Like, really in play.

$8.3 Billion For Coronavirus Relief.  More than 4 times what Trump requested.  As to Trump, he says it’s OK to go to work with coronavirus and you’ll get better.  Trump-Biden debates? The mind reels. BTW, $3 billion is to go for development of coronavirus vaccines. Uh, can we make sure that no big pharma company makes a killing on this?

What Happened To Warren? Five Theories.  I kinda go mostly with #5.  How someone could consistently draw such enthusiastic crowds, and doesn’t have that covered by the media, is beyond me.  BTW, can someone please banish James Carville from punditry?  He’s part of that steady stream of corporatists that makes MSNBC unwatchable.  Ditto for Claire McCaskill.  Where are the progressive pundits?

Teen Shot By Police Should Have Been Released Months Ago.  Cops are above the law, thanks to the so-called Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill Of Rights.  Just check this out:

Yet, Wilmington police did not voluntarily share this information with the justice department — an unnamed source did.

Wilmington Police have repeatedly declined to comment on the matter and have not responded to requests to interview Police Chief Robert Tracy. Instead, the department has cited the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights as a reason why it would not disclose further information.

Fortunately, the AG’s Office is challenging this:

The Department of Justice said in its court filing that it has a “Constitutional obligation to disclose exculpatory and impeachable statements” to the court and added that “those duties trump the statutory confidentiality rights of internal investigations” — a reference to the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights, which would otherwise protect MacColl’s statements.

That so-called bill of rights enables police to break the law with impunity.  Let’s hope that some of the new legislators revisit this.  In fact, I want to see candidates pledge to do this.

What do you want to talk about?

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