When Coons joined Republicans to criticize Obama’s Syria policy & joined with the GOP to tank an Obama Justice Department Appointment

Filed in National by on March 5, 2020

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. He opposed perhaps the best-qualified person in the country to challenge Rethug voter suppression tactics b/c… Maureen Faulkner:

    ”As a lawyer, I understand the importance of having legal advocates willing to fight for even the most despicable clients, and I embrace the proposition that an attorney is not responsible for the actions of their client.

    The decade-long public campaign by others, however, to elevate a heinous, cold-blooded killer to the status of political prisoner and folk hero has caused tremendous pain to the widow of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner and shown great disrespect for law enforcement officers and families throughout our region. These factors have led me to cast a vote today that is more about listening to and respecting their concerns than about the innate qualifications of this nominee.”

    The FOP is STILL at it on this case. We have no guarantee that Coons won’t curl up in a corner yet again. In fact, we have powerful precedent that he will. That, IMO, is disqualifying.

  2. Jason330 says:

    He is horrible. That “having it both ways” statement is nauseating

    • Alby says:

      It’s especially nauseating because there was nothing credible to convict Abu Jamal in the first place. The trial was a joke — bogus witnesses, etc. I don’t think he’s innocent — based on the evidence either he or his brother killed Daniel Faulkner — but Coon’s “cold-blooded killer” language accepts the verdict in his case as legitimate. Shades of his Likud cheerleading.

      As for Maureen Faulkner, there should be a statute of limitations on weaponizing grief.