24/7 Dem bashing will level the playing field & make this a close race when it shouldn’t be

Filed in National by on March 6, 2020

Not everyone watches Fox News, but everyone lives in an America where 24/7 bashing of Dems by Fox News invades into the cultural zeitgeist. To some extent, it really doesn’t matter who wins the Dem nomination – the Dem nominee will be vilified and hated by at least 49% of Americans by the time the election gets here. (That 49% includes your nice but dumb in-laws who really have no critical thinking skills to speak of.)

This should come as no big to surprise to anyone. It is what they do.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Maybe “cultural zeitgeist” makes this concept needlessly esoteric?

    In short – the New York Times will amplify all the worst lies about the Dem because they are “news worthy” lies.

  2. Liberal Garbage says:

    you idiots just don’t get it, Bernie gets shafted to benefit slime ball Joe Biden and you want to blame Fox? Morons.