Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Fri., March 6, 2020

Judge Calls Barr Handling Of Mueller Report ‘Distorted’ And ‘Misleading’.  The result could ultimately be the release of the report in unredacted form. The judge, BTW, was appointed by Dubya.

Why The Coronavirus Could Threaten US Economy More Than China’s.  When people-to-people interaction diminishes, so does economic activity.

How The Trump Administration ‘Brain Drain’ Impedes Coronavirus Efforts.  His attempts to somehow blame this on the Obama Administration are doomed to failure.  As does, it appears, his response to this crisis.

Romney To Block Probe Into Hunter Biden?  Possibly.  I’m still trying to wrap my head around two old guys with dementia being their respective Parties’ presidential nominees. Especially after having seen Elizabeth Warren’s wonderful interview with Rachel Maddow last night.  Warren was the president we needed but, sadly, not the one we deserved.

Bibi’s Victory That Wasn’t.  On Monday, he was toasting victory. Today, he’s on the verge of political extinction.  It ain’t over until that stake is drive thru what passes for his heart, but this development is…heartening.  Think of the poor AIPAC bullies and their simpering supporters like, well, you know.  This is a big story that has flown under the radar.

How Catholic Church Outsourced American Pedophile Priests To Countries All Over The World.  These aren’t aberrations, these reflect a Church with no moral compass. More brilliant reporting from Pro Publica, this time in concert with the Houston Chronicle.

What do you want to talk about?

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