Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Mon., March 9, 2020

World Markets In Free-Fall.  This is shaping up to be a key day as one trader predicts ‘pandemonium at the open’.  Who will Trump blame? I’m going with the media, the CDC for telling at least the partial truth, and whatever fall guy is facing the axe. 

Trump Officials Disagree On How To Protect Economy.  When you have a Potrumpkin Village government, this is inevitable.  BTW, I still can’t shake the image of the President at the CDC wearing a ‘Keep America Great’ campaign cap, and having his massive gut in full view of the public instead of inside a tailored suit.

Ben Carson–A Potrumpkin Village Official If There Ever Was One.  Refuses to ‘preview’ plans for passengers on cruise ship scheduled to dock in Oakland today.  We all know that’s because there are no coherent plans. Inspirational Quote:

“We shouldn’t have 16 people saying what the plan is particularly when it hasn’t been fully formulated,” Carson said.

Even The Conservative Media Is Ripping Trump: He can’t ‘bluff his way through’ this one.

Will Congress Shut Down Over Coronavirus Fears?  Hey, they’re (mostly) old. Two are self-quarantining, including Ted Cruz.

Jailhouse Informants And Prosecutors’ Over-Reliance On Their Testimony.  Ten men wrongfully convicted with one common thread–jailhouse informants who testified against them.

OSHA Could Act Today To Protect Healthcare Workers.   They haven’t, and don’t appear likely to do so. Why the fuck not?

What do you want to talk about?

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