BREAKING: It’s Officially A Pandemic

Filed in Featured, International by on March 11, 2020

The World Health Organization has officially designated the Coronavirus outbreak a world pandemic:

The organization cites ‘alarming levels of spread and…alarming levels of inaction’.

A congressional briefing on the government’s response is halted due to ‘an emergency meeting at the White House’.  White House, of course, says that the meeting’s ‘routine’. Even though Anthony Fauci publicly says that NBA games should be played in empty arenas.  Trump’s still lying to us.

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  1. jason330 says:

    168 people died from this in Italy yesterday.

    To put that in perspective, Italy has roughly the same GDP as California. If 168 people were dying PER DAY in California, I guess we’d start to see someone in the Trump administration taking this seriously.

  2. bamboozer says:

    As noted Italy was on it day one, no messing around and especially no whiny “I didn’t do it!” from their leaders. Remember this when it hits here.

  3. NCAA will hold both its mens’ and womens’ basketball tourneys in empty arenas: