Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., March 12, 2020

EVERYTHING FALLS APART.  That was quite the day. Where to begin?  Everybody but the President sees the existential seriousness of our situation.

Pretty much every major event in the entire fucking country will be cancelled.

Markets in freefall.  Here’s how one market pro analyzed the post-speech carnage:

“Markets reacted negatively to what was perceived as a solemn but confused speech that placed blame on other nations, omitted to focus on immediate actions to relieve the most affected individuals, and lacked in concrete fiscal and health measures to address the economic and financial impact of the virus,” Gregory Daco, chief U.S. economist at Oxford Economics, said in a note.

Where are the fucking tests? A country of well over 300 million people, and only about 5000 have been tested?

And that speech.  It’s Europe’s fault?  Except for Britain? Why? Because they left the EU? Because Boris is his pal? Probably.  Hey, at least he tanked oil futures.

BTW, economic proposals are coming soon, eventually, possibly.

Oh, and did I hear right? Kushner is in chargeKUSHNER??!! We’re all waiting for some pronouncement from Kushner?

Let’s be honest. There is nothing else worth talking about today.  This is one of the greatest crises we’ve faced as a country during my lifetime.  And we have a total boob in charge.

Speak, pipples!

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