DL Open Thread: Fri., March 13, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 13, 2020

Gov. Carney’s State Of Emergency Declaration.  When you see public officials acting responsibly, it kinda comes as a shock when you have at best a Bystander President.  As critical as I have been of Carney’s ‘lack of vision thing’, he and his team are especially well-qualified to address this crisis, and he has acted swiftly and wisely. To put it mildly, it doesn’t hurt to have a health care professional of the highest order as his Lieutenant Governor. And I’ve been a fan of Karyl Rattay for a long time.  She could be making a zillion dollars more in the private sector.  Instead, she has chosen to dedicate herself to this most important element of public service.  Carney has a first-class team in place, and I feel better that they are on the case.  BTW, the General Assembly is heeding the Governor’s advice and canceling session for next week.

Fauci: Federal Testing Protocols Are A Disaster.  Trump couldn’t fire him even if he wanted to.  Betcha he wants to.  He won’t even declare a Federal Emergency despite states’ desperate need for such a declaration.  Why? Because it would embarrass him.  Which, of course, is far worse than lives being lost.

Katie Effin’ Porter!!  She embarrasses, then forces, the idiots who run the CDC to commit to free coronavirus testing for everybody.  Would it shock you to know that she studied under Elizabeth Warren?  She is an American hero. Here’s why:


That flat-out gives me chills.  You must watch this!

Guess Who Voted Against Sick Leave In Florida Who Is Now Taking Paid Sick Leave From Congress.  Yep, ‘Gas Mask Gaetz’. If there is a diametric opposite to Katie Porter, it’s this asshole.

How the Rethugs’ War On Government Paved The Way For The Coronavirus Disaster.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    DE should be taking the step of closing the schools for a month too. Hong Kong protocol kept cases to 129 and deaths to 3 in the 7.2 million population. Mid January everyone stayed in for the first 2 weeks and all schools and government buildings were shuttered for the last 5 weeks projected same for the next 5.

    Plus, Laurence Tribe tweet –

    Congress must ask why U.S. authorities didn’t accept the WHO Coronavirus diagnostic test. Did Trump or Alex Azar seek to funnel the testing franchise to their friends in the pharmaceutical business? Was this yet another casualty of Trump’s swamp? How many deaths will result?

    And, from POLITICO –

    Asked during an interview on CNBC about a three-month suspension in student loan payments, Mnuchin said “that’s on our list of 50 different items we’re bringing to the president for a decision.”

  2. Arthur says:

    The state of emergency will come when the racinos come crawling to the government for handouts since the great goose who lays the golden egg (sports betting) will have absolutely no action now. hopefully the only fatality in delaware fro the corona virus will be the racinos

  3. Alby says:

    The most widespread business impact will be on restaurants. Even if they retain half of their business many will go under, and I imagine many will lose more than half their business. One of every 12 jobs is in food service.

  4. Alby says:

    Tom Douglas is a Newark guy.