I don’t think this will happen, but you have to think that Bernie and Joe are talking.

Filed in National by on March 13, 2020

Now would be a good time for Bernie to drop out, cancel The remaining races and the convention. Nominate Biden By acclamation and chase Trump out of office.

This is absolutely a solution…the effect would be stunning with regards to party unity…the declaration should be with both on stage…

…immediately following should be the creation of a shadow government with persons with real expertise standing in as cabinet members…

…specific policies could be formulated and communicated to Americans as a very real plan of action when the Democrats take the White House and Senate…

– Via Eschaton Comments

My shadow government idea is catching on.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    We will get an idea of whether this is going on behind the scenes on Sunday at the debate. If the debate is a civil discussion of ideals v. tactics in getting a progressive agenda passed, then you might be right. If it’s scorched earth, then maybe not. Personally, I don’t think it will be scorched earth. It will be somewhere in between.

    • Ben says:

      I need to Biden acknowledge that Mitch and the Repukes will not have an epiphany and that they must instead be driven into submission.
      He also must again acknowledge the progressive wing…. not necessarily bernie, since he is no longer the leader of that movement, but at least the fact that it is a LARGE share of the democrats. We can include “moderates” but they get served last for once.
      That will move me from a begrudging biden supporter to a comfortable one.

  2. Arthur says:

    This is exactly what Howard Stern was saying last week – Biden should set up a “Black” House and start telling everyone the plans he is making to take care of thing – he called it the “Bizzaro” Presidency

  3. liberalgeek says:

    In England they have had this shadow government on and off. You make a dream team of opposition pols with different expertise. Warren is the shadow Sec Treas. Harris as shadow AG, etc. Propose actual legislation and make the Republicans defend voting against it.

    I thought it should have been done as soon as Trump was elected.