Christiana Care Nurses Perform Random Acts Of Heroism

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 14, 2020

536 of them, to be specific.  We as a community owe them a debt of gratitude.  In a country where the President doesn’t want people to get tested b/c the numbers could make him look bad, we can only rely on each other.

The actions of these public health professionals and the company they work for is precisely what we all may, in our small ways, be asked to do for the sake of the greater good.  Their example has led the way.

Which reminds me, does anybody think that, once the results are in, Delaware will still have only 4 confirmed cases?  Didn’t think so.

The pandemic is here. It’s only the lack of testing that prevents us from quantifying it. In Delaware, testing has arrived, thanks to these health care professionals.  Thank you for being role models for all of us.

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  1. Arthur says:

    Uh, I’m pretty sure these are private employees doing a private employers work

    I don’t remember hearing public health officials volunteering to do this.

  2. Seriously? The provision of free testing and providing of results at a time when tests have been next to impossible to access? And you find fault with that?

    You don’t think the nurses wanted to be there?

    I think it’s a time to thank all those who do something on behalf of the public welfare. So, I thank them again.

  3. meatball says:

    Who the fuck is Arthur? Is he required to work mandatory overtime? Does he staff mandatory medical facilities during times of crisis? Does he abandon his family to serve the greater good? What exactly do you contribute, asshole? Consider this a triage. This is an interesting question for all. US Nurses are way under payed even though they make about twice what their European counterparts make.

  4. Stevewash says:

    No reply as of yet. Just wondering what your thoughts are regarding SD1 Senate race.