Coronavirus Update – The Vexingly Ironic End Game

Filed in National by on March 14, 2020

There are two types of people in the Coronavirus world. For the sake of simplicity and accuracy, well call them “the Smarts” and “the Dumbs.”

The Smarts see the coronavirus as a serious emergency situation that requires a sober, coordinated response to mitigate cascading public health emergencies.

The Dumbs see the coronavirus as a media creation that requires no response and will blow over in a few weeks.

Trump is clearly a Dumb, but has been forced in front of microphones to pretend to be a Smart for the sake of “the markets” and the hotel industry.

Here is the vexingly ironic part. If the Smarts “win” , and we do all the things we need to do – it will SEEM like the Dumbs were right all along. There will be no cascading public health emergencies and this will blow over, and the Dumbs will feel vindicated as they throw Taco Bell trash out of the window of their trucks.

However, if the Dumbs “win”, and we don’t do any of the things we need to do – it will prove that the Smarts were right and we’ll have cascading public health emergencies. Smarts will feel a sense of smug satisfaction as they gasp for breath like someone being subjected to a waterboarding.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Point of Order says:

    Right now, the course of the virus is baked in. The Smarts know this and are trying to limit the scope of the course. The Dumbs are ignoring the evidence of their eyes. This is a negative sum game. Nobody wins.

  2. puck says:

    “If the Smarts “win” , and we do all the things we need to do – it will SEEM like the Dumbs were right all along.”

    Just like Y2K turned out to be a big nothingburger.

  3. puck says:

    Iran digging mass graves:

    “The deputy health minister, Iraj Harirchi, held a press conference to “categorically deny” the allegations, but he was clearly sweating and coughing as he did so. The next day, Harirchi confirmed that he had tested positive for the Covid-19 virus.”

  4. Arthur says:

    Right now the biggest dumbs are the potato heads cramming into disgusting pubs up and down the state to “celebrate” their heritage.

    • Mike Dinsmore says:

      At least 150 packed in to the fenced in enclosure outside Mulrooney’s in Elsmere as we drove by.

  5. Dave says:

    At this moment there is one confirmed case in the Yucatan, a person returning from Spain. Individual is being treated and is in isolation. All passengers arriving at the Merida airport are being scanned, even on domestic flights. Yucatan also has established checkpoints on the roads between Yucatan and the two states adjacent to it (Campeche and Quintana Roo) where everyone is stopped and scanned. Major events which involve people coming in from other countries or states have been postponed. Merida has services that deliver anything from groceries and liquor, hot food, medicine and even money. Doctors make house calls. Merida has 7 hospitals geared up and ready. Medical care is free for all residents, citizens and non citizens, even though I have insurance.

    People have asked if shouldn’t reconsider getting on the plane on Tuesday. I tell them I am willing to take my chances, which I think are much better than staying in the States.