Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., March 15, 2020

Two ER Doctors In Critical Condition.  Hey, we’ve only got 50 deaths. We’re doing great!  BTW, according to the NYTimes, coronavirus cases in the US have surpassed 2700, up from 500 a week ago.  Meaning, we’re looking at over 10,000 cases by this time next week. Even without adequate testing.

Trump Coronavirus Misadventures: It’s All In The Family.  He went to Jared.

Trump Travel Ban Wreaks Havoc Across American Airports.  This is what happens when people don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing and the people in charge don’t know what they’re doing. I blame Obama.

Biden Adopts Warren Bankruptcy Plan.  Seeing as how they clashed bitterly over this back when Biden was a wholly-owned subsidiary of MBNA and Warren was a professor, this is great news.

Robert Reich: America Has No Real Public Health System.  Today’s absolute must-read. He’s right, and he’s said it better than anyone else.  Every Democrat should run on changing this rigged system. Did I mention that this is an absolute must-read?  Read it you must.

Delaware: Everything’s Closed, Man.  Things have gotten so bad that I actually picked up a book last night.  I put it down before opening it, but that was still too close for comfort.  I’ve even had to halt my fantasy baseball prep.  My question to you: What should I binge-watch?

What do you want to talk about?

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