Jews for Hitler!

Filed in National by on March 15, 2020

Mike Matthew asked this question on FB:

“Anyone else think it’s the perfect time to raise taxes on some millionaires and billionaires so we can maybe fund the infrastructure improvements we need for public health issues like the one we are currently facing?“

Some broke-ass #MAGA dummy replied:

“NO! The government is not Robin Hood. If people are rich, did they work for it? If so then they are entitled to it. People need to stop targeting those who have worked hard and profitted from that work. If you want a donation, ask for one. To my way of thinking, that entitlement to someone else’s wealth due to hard work is dangerous. Frankly, I’m not rich, but I am more likely to donate to those who don’t feel entitled.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    And that is why we’re fucked. They WANT to be peasants.

  2. puck says:

    It has never been cheaper for the US to borrow money (i.e., issue Treasury bonds). It is fiscal malpractice not to invest heavily now in education and infrastructure that will raise future productivity (“productivity” is what raises all our incomes, even the rich). And yes, it will be paid for by taxing the rich. Because that’s where all the money went. And the jobs building infrastructure will flatten the curve of the coming Trumpcession and help us all recover.

    Short version: Tax the rich to invest in the things that will make us all richer in the future.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Don’t you just love those mouthy Maggats? And this one a willing slave to the rich. Notice how it works in the magic word “entitlement”. As noted all the money is at the top and that is not where it will stay if we are to preserve democracy. That and tide, time and infrastructure wait for no man and certainly no politician.