Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tues., March 17, 2020

We’re all watching the COVID-19 story.  Here’s one that Trump and Barr snuck by us under the cloak of All Coronavirus All The Time:

Justice Department Abandons Prosecution Of Russian Firm Indicted In Mueller Probe.  The trial was scheduled to start on April 6.  Gee, this sure sounds suspicious:

The stunning reversal came a few weeks before the case — a spinoff of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe — was set to go to trial.

Assistants to U.S. Attorney Timothy Shea of Washington and Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers cited an unspecified “change in the balance of the government’s proof due to a classification determination,” according to a nine-page filing accompanied by facts under seal.

That sure sounds like some evidence was placed off-limits by Barr’s barristers.  The ongoing criminal conspiracy continues unabated.

Somebody Finally Gets To Trump.  Fauci, Kushner?  What scares me most is the predictive curve in the article.  No peak in the US until June?  We’re just at the beginning of the human carnage.  Of course, when it comes to Trump, leadership only goes so far–he tells governors to ‘…try getting (equipment) for yourselves’

Oopsies, News-Journal falls victim to the proofreaders’ nightmare:  “State pubic health officials are monitoring and responding to the coronavirus outbreak from the Delaware Hospital for the Chronically Ill…”

Eric Holder’s Fight To Unrig Redistricting.  Not sexy, just merely essential for democracy.

How To Beat Coronavirus CapitalismWatch this videoBTW, we’re going to bail out the airlines who have treated people worse than sheep?  Screw American Airlines.  Who are already begging for a huge bailout.

Delaware Restaurants And Bars Ordered Closed.   We know that ‘social distancing’ is one of the tools to retard the growth of the virus.  Which makes me wonder…have any public health officials visited a grocery store lately?  Ain’t much social distancing going on there.  I have to think it’s only a matter of time before we see outbreaks there.

What do you want to talk about?

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