Legislative Session Postponed Indefinitely

Filed in Delaware by on March 18, 2020

Just got this email from the House Democratic caucus:

In response to ongoing concerns about the Coronavirus pandemic, House Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf and Senate President Pro Tempore David McBride announced Wednesday that the Delaware General Assembly is postponing legislative session until further notice.

Legislative session originally was scheduled to resume on Tuesday, but was postponed last week due to the spread of COVID-19 and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and Delaware public health officials.

As the situation has continued to unfold, it has become necessary to postpone session for the foreseeable future as officials assess the extent of Delaware’s exposure to the virus. While it is possible that session could resume normal operations at some point in the future, there is no firm date at this time. Legislative leaders will continue to examine the situation with input from public health experts and executive branch agencies to determine the best path forward.

Rep. Schwartzkopf and Sen. McBride noted that the General Assembly is preparing plans that will be used in the event lawmakers must reconvene to pass legislation that addresses the effects of the Coronavirus on Delawareans and state government.

Additionally, the General Assembly is constitutionally required to pass an operating budget by June 30, and plans are being discussed to meet that obligation should this State of Emergency stretch well into the spring.

Legislative Hall remains closed to the public, with no tours or in-person meetings taking place.

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  1. meatball says:

    Have they never heard of “Go to Meeting?”

  2. mediawatch says:

    In normal times, I’d say we are all safer when they are not in session.
    In this situation, they should set their 4 or 5 priority items, debate them online, then show up at Leg Hall, maintaining appropriate social distancing in the chambers, vote and go home.