DL Open Thread: Sat., March 21, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 21, 2020

Trump’s Press Conferences Are Nothing But Propaganda.  They’ve become like his campaign rallies, and I think the networks should stop showing them live.  He just pounds the same lies into us over and over again.  Bottom line: Where are the masks, where are the tests, where are the ventilators?  Nowhere near where they need to be. All else is propaganda. And fawning obeisance to the Trump Cult Of Personality (a must-read). 

Rachel Maddow says what needs to be said ( a must watch): https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/trump-irresponsible-dangerous-with-lies-and-happy-talk-on-federal-coronavirus-help-81046085925

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.   We’re now at 19,624 cases and 260 deaths confirmed in the US.  We’ll blow past Germany and Iran today. About one in five Americans are under lockdown. And we’re weeks behind the curve of those countries.  Oh, and the nation’s blood supply is at profound risk.

A Little Schadenfraude For Y’All.  Trump’s properties hurting bigly during crisis.  There had better not be one penny in the bailout for these serial criminalsNor should there be any relief for Trump’s beloved cruise companies, who were aware of the dangers, but kept on cruisin’.  Let ’em die. They serve no purpose whatsoever, except as floating petri dishes.

A Case Study In How Screwed-Up The Distribution Of Emergency Supplies Is.  There ain’t no millions upon millions of masks coming through hospital doors any time soon. Great reporting, as always, from Pro Publica.  Support independent journalism.

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  1. meatball says:

    I work in healthcare in Fl. My company is at the bottom of the list to receive PPE including masks. We have about 2500 chronically ill and/or hospice patients including about 400 HIV patients. Seems that the death panels have spoken for the patients and the “workers” as republicans like to describe their fellow humans.

  2. RSE says:

    It’s great that Dogfish Head will be producing hand sanitizer, but is it really necessary for the governor to have a press conference at Henlopen State Park over it? Just do it and pat yourself on the back later. Maybe instead of a gathering and photo opportunity at the beach, the governor could start shutting down the beach for the safety of the community.
    As long as the tourist attractions are open the people still come and employees have to work.

    • The Governor also needs to address the lack of social distancing in grocery stores and pharmacies. I suspect a lot of damage has already been done.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Watched a documentary last night called “Pandemic”, mostly interviews with doctors and HCW on the front lines mixed with historical clips about pandemics of days gone by. Some like Bird Flu and Ebola were largely contained, others like the Spanish Flu of 1918 were not and the result was millions dead worldwide. Chilling to say the least. Surprised Delaware is not at the “stay at home” stage like California. We need to be.

  4. Apropos of nothing, my daughter tells me she’s listening to this…Mongolian death metal band. I kinda like it:


  5. nathan arizona says:

    Hu’s on first. What’s next from the long-neglected Mongolian music scene?

  6. nathan arizona says:

    This was No. 1 on the Mongolian Top 40 last summer.

    Hey, we have some time to fill these days.
