Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., March 22, 2020

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  Where are the masks? We hear the daily platitudes from Trumpence, but the masks don’t come. Trump prefers to let ‘market forces’ work.  And blame everyone but him. JEE-zus. Again, stop giving Trump free air time for his propaganda. The networks show they have learned nothing from their coverage of his campaign events.  It’s not news that the President lies, stop showing him lying. It’s nothing but free media for his reelection campaign.  BTW, this type of limited testing will do nothing to prevent the virus from spreading. Face it, we’re screwed. 26,747 cases and 340 total deaths here. And counting.

Guess Who Isn’t Getting Counted In Coronavirus-influenced Census.  If you guessed people of color, you would be correct. I doubt that that’s by accident.  We need to keep a close eye on the shit that these criminals pull under the cover of the coronavirus.

“Holy Shit, This Is Not The Flu”.  You may not want to read this, but you should.  Then reexamine the risks you are willing to undertake.

Kentucky Rethugs Pass Voter Restriction Law Under Cover Of Coronavirus.  Not even a pandemic can stop the ongoing criminal enterprise that is the Rethuglican Party.

Carney Closes Beaches. DMV Changes Procedures.  DMV goes to ‘kiosk, drive-through and emergency appointment only. Dealer paperwork can be dropped off for processing and picked up when notified. Inspection lanes will remain open as no personal interaction is required, and the drive through windows at each location will have additional staff working to process DMV-related transactions. At no time will there be more than 10 people permitted in DMV lobbies.”

What do you want to talk about?

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