Song of the Day 3/23: Warren Zevon, “Don’t Let Us Get Sick”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 23, 2020

Can’t think of a more appropriate song for our current crisis. Warren Zevon wrote and recorded this before he knew he had the mesothelioma that would kill him just a few years later. It was released on “Life’ll Kill Ya” in 2000. He died in 2003.

Don’t let us get sick
Don’t let us get old
Don’t let us get stupid, all right?
Just make us be brave
And make us play nice
And let us be together tonight

It has since been recorded by a number of artists. Zevon’s friend Jackson Browne has used it in concert for a decade now. Here he’s accompanied by Sara Watkins on fiddle and Benmont Tench on keyboards.

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  1. That is just a great selection. Thanks.