Coons can’t get through 2 minute Morning Joe Segment without trashing Dems

Filed in National by on March 24, 2020

Coons just spent his daily Morning Joe segment touting his experience running New Castle County and little else.   Because he can’t go two minutes without undermining Democrats, he did mention that some of his Democratic colleagues were trying to derail a $1 Trillion stimulus agreement with Mitch McConnell by bringing in “extraneous issues”  that statement was never followed up on.  Regarding an agreement on the stimulus, he said he was “optimistic” that something will be passed today.  

It was basically Coons patting himself on the back for running New Castle County.    







About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. Alby says:

    What a pathetic little man.

    Always eager to go on TV, but never around for a town hall. Tells you all you need to know about his courage. He makes the Cowardly Lion look like Hercules.

    I’m afraid there’s no denyin’
    I’m just a dandy-lion
    A fate I don’t deserve
    But I could show my prowess
    Be a lion, not a mouse
    If I only had the nerve

  2. puck says:

    “Extraneous issues” is a Republican talking point for this bill. Some of those “extraneous” issues are obvious bargaining chips, while some of them are necessary blocking moves to prevent corporations and Republicans from taking advantage of the crisis. It’s worth taking a few extra days to get it right.

    Coons of course prefers to start with a compromise position and then compromise more from there.

    • jason330 says:

      True. But I don’t think Coons is even conscience of it. It is like breathing for him, and like breathing – it might get more difficult the longer he associates with the GOP and their bargaining position.

  3. RSE says:

    Maybe it’s happening but I haven’t heard or seen any sort of mass disinfecting process going on here like they have been doing in China and some other places.

    There should be a small army of people with sprayers canvassing the streets and spraying every handrail every door and any other suspect surfaces in places like New York and even smaller towns and cities like Wilmington.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Coons remains disgusting and a not so stealthy closeted Republican, as noted his “art of the deal” is to give it all away before hand and then whine that he couldn’t do more damage. Jess Scarane, let’s make it happen.

  5. paul says:


  6. Mouse says:

    These maggots have done nothing for Delaware

  7. meatball says:

    Ironic that many if not most nurses working in Delaware exceed the $75k income threshold for direct payment stimulus checks. Maybe Lowes will give them a 10% discount to thank them for their service.