DL Open Thread: Tues., March 24, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 24, 2020

Trump Unreality Show’s Latest Plot Twist?: Put An End To Social Distancing.  A real plot twist, or just a guarantee that the networks will continue to cover this serial liar? These so-called briefings are now marathon political events.  Stop putting him on TVWe wanna see Fauci, who has apparently been placed in involuntary quarantine by Le Grand Orange. 

Everything Falls Apart, CtdOlympics Postponed to 2021. Trump’s cure proved worse than the disease. Man dies after ingesting Trump’s touted miracle elixir.  46,481 confirmed cases and 593 deaths in the US. We’re gonna blow past 1000 deaths by the weekend.  What better time to ‘open up the economy’?  Old people urged to just die already…for the sake of capitalism.  ‘Completely craven psychopaths’ pretty much describes these empathy-empty vessels perfectly.

The Pluses And Minuses Of Voting-By-Mail.  For states that have not yet perfected the process, the possibility of logistical issues and voter fraud abound.

The Most Irresponsible President In North America Is…Not Donald Trump?  Mexico’s Lopez Obrador is giving Trump a run for his money. 

BTW, some sort of economic stimulus package appears close at hand.  Will Trump sign it?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. mediawatch says:

    The latest Trumpism comes down to this: “If the economy is up and running by Easter, I win. If it doesn’t work, everyone dies, so WTF.”