Song of the Day 3/24: Moby Grape, “Hey Grandma”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 24, 2020

Now that some Fox News talking heads, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and various other sociopaths on TV and the interwebs — including the Orangutan in the Oval Office — have floated the idea of letting all Americans get infected with Covid-19 to save Our Lord The Economy, I thought it might be time to find a song honoring Grandma before she’s turned into the new Soylent Green, Wall Street Green.

The “grandma” of the song is “so young” because it refers to a young woman in a granny dress, a common sight in Haight-Ashbury in 1967, when the Grape’s debut album was released. In the clip, Skip Spence handles the lead vocals, but by the next year he was off his rocker and out of the band.

The song was covered by The Move in 1967 and Mick Ronson in 1976, but didn’t surface much afterwards until the Black Crowes tackled it on tour in the ’00s and released a recording of it in 2009.

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  1. paul says:

    Moby Grape creates a great station in Pandora

  2. Hop-Frog says:

    “Wall Street Green is … people!”
    Where’s Charlton Heston now that we need him?
    Oh, that’s right, burning in hell.