Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Mon., March 30, 2020

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  The latest carnage?  143,055 cases and 2513 deaths in the USNo, uh, reopening of the economy by Easter.  Guess those pews won’t be packed.  Trump moves the goal posts by claiming that a mere 100,000 deaths in the US would be a ‘very good job’.

Trump: Healthcare Workers Must Be Stealing Masks.  He’s provided so many of them, that must be the explanation.  This proves to be too much even for ‘Biden His Time’.  Of course, it was done in a written statement.  Can we, you know, see him? BTW, I hear that Beau is doing great, gearing up for that run for governor.  More Trump: 2000 deaths, but boffo TV ratings.

Yep, COVID-19 Shows Up At Falwell U.  WWJD?

How Big Restaurants And Hotels Snuck Huge Loophole Into Bailout Bill.  Fucking bastards:

The post takes aim at a section of the bill that allows big restaurant and hotel chains to take advantage of the small business relief money for any of their individual hotels and restaurants that have fewer than 500 employees. Critics argued that these big chains will take more than half of the allocated funds, leaving many smaller businesses without the cash they need to stay afloat. “Masquerading these franchisees as small businesses will pull the rug out from under independent bars and restaurants,” the post says, inviting followers to speak out against this loophole.


NRA Sues Cali Because…Guns.  So far, Newsom hasn’t folded like Carney. 

What do you want to talk about?


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