Delaware Liberal

Don’t let Democrats off the Hook

Not much more can be said about the abject fuck-up that is Donald Trump. The temporary morgues outside of hospitals speak loudly on that topic. But don’t let the relative horror that is Republicanism allow you to dismiss the role that the Democratic Party has played in getting us to this point.

It is the Democratic Party that allowed the pernicious anti-government doctrine of the GOP take root over the past 35 years. It was Bill Clinton’s outright attack on labor that got us here. It was Chris Coons and his ilk making the Democratic Party the country’s second party dedicated to protecting capital that got us here. It was the lazy, dumb Democrats like John Kerry who ignored actual workers and voters and spent election cycle after election cycle trying to appeal to Republican TV personalities that got us here.

It is vital that whenever possible replace a Republican with a Democrat. But is is equally important to replace terrible Democrats like Chris Coons with Democrats who get it, like Jess Scarane.

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