Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., April 5, 2020

How The Federal Government Failed Completely On Fighting The Coronavirus.  A good more-or-less instant history of the disaster, the key being the 70 days that Trump pissed away while downplaying the danger. 

Everything Falls Apart, CtdThe latest carnage: 312,245 cases and 8503 deaths in the US.  We’ll blow past the 10,000 death barrier by this time tomorrow.  The small business loan program already has the stench of flop sweat all over it.

This Day In Coronavirus Denialism.  Remember the Bundys?  No, not the ‘Married With Children’ Bundys.  The Posse Comitatus Bundys.  They’re back, and Ammon damn sure wants to help Idaho residents to break the law.  In fact, he’s taking the movement, pardon the expression, viral.  BTW, I’m not making this up, he was born in Bunkerville, Nevada.  Ga. Governor Brian Kemp, who just found out that asymptomatic people can spread the virus, ordered certain Georgia beaches reopened on Saturday.  I can’t make this stuff up.  Both Kemp and Florida’s Gov. DeSantis not only expressly classified church services as essential, but overrode stronger local restrictions in the process.  Call me cynical, but why do I suspect that these elected death-dealing scofflaws will get more timely assistance from Trump than, say, Cuomo has?

Trump Organization Seeks Financial Help From Deutsche Bank, Which Is Under Investigation By the DOJ.  I’m sure that you, like me, have the utmost confidence in the independence and integrity of AG William Barr.  Nothing to see here, folks. Except, maybe, for this:

David Enrich, a Times business reporter who recently authored a book on Deutsche Bank, “Dark Towers,” told NPR that the bank has been “worried” about a situation like this.

Bank officials are now “forced to choose between doing what seems like it’s financially right for the bank and for its regulators, versus doing what’s right to protect the relationship with someone who has the ability to inflict enormous damage on the institution if he is so inclined,” Enrich explained.

He’s always so inclined.

The Coming Drug Shortage.  It might already be here. This is what happens when you don’t make your own stuff.  China and India can make it cheaper, what could go wrong?

Which Democratic Message Will Surface in 2020?  If it’s not the ‘fighting mad’ meme, we lose. It’s that simple. 

The Crozier Firing Continues A Navy Pattern Of Eliminating the Messenger(s).  The bad guys continue to fire the good guys. All in the name of PR. Great reporting from Pro Publica.

Does Anybody Give A Fuck About Abessinio Stadium?  Oh, no! They were already on a tight timetable, and this damn Covid-19 might push it past Salesianum’s scheduled football home opener.  Which likely isn’t going to be played anyway. So, even with Gov. Carny declaring that such construction projects are essential, which this one is demonstrably not,  the stadium may not be finished on time. Someone send a wahmbulance for Sallies’ President Brendan Kennealey:

“We were on a really, really, tight timeline to make it for our first home game before all the coronavirus stuff hit, and now there’s a lot more obstacles,” Salesianum President Brendan Kennealey told WDEL.

Well, gee whiz.  BTW, there is some good news.  Choir boys have never been safer than they are now.

That’s all the good news.

At least Carny has no compunctions about placing workers at risk here, or on any other projects.  He’s got his priorities in order. Hey, someday it might be St. Mark’s building a stadium. There’s little more important in Delaware than in ensuring that these schools can recruit football players from all over (although players from Pennsylvania might have to quarantine for two weeks if the governor doesn’t give them a waiver). Fuck the workers. The Chamber says this project must go on. All projects must go on, for that matter.

What do you want to talk about?

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