DL Open Thread: Sun., April 12, 2020

Filed in Featured by on April 12, 2020

Let’s Just Let The Coronavirus ‘Wash Over’ The Country.  Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States. ‘Well, you see, Mr. President, millions will die. That might impact your poll numbers.’  ‘Oh.’

Trump Was Warned Early And Often About The Pandemic:

  Throughout January, as Mr. Trump repeatedly played down the seriousness of the virus and focused on other issues, an array of figures inside his government — from top White House advisers to experts deep in the cabinet departments and intelligence agencies — identified the threat, sounded alarms and made clear the need for aggressive action.

The president, though, was slow to absorb the scale of the risk and to act accordingly, focusing instead on controlling the message, protecting gains in the economy and batting away warnings from senior officials. It was a problem, he said, that had come out of nowhere and could not have been foreseen.

You simply must read this article. If, for no other reason than to throw it in the faces of his defenders.  It’s his fault, and that’s the truth.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.   The latest carnage: 530,006 confirmed cases and 20,608 deaths in the United States.  The number of deaths has doubled in a week. We can only hope that doesn’t happen next week.

Trump Threatened To Veto Stimulus Package Over Aid To Postal Service.  There’s no point in trying to understand this man’s brain. It’s diseased, everybody knows it,  but the only people who could do something about it, won’t. 

Trump Administration Tells Employers Not To Worry About Recording COVID-19 Cases.  There’s no point in trying…oh, wait, I just wrote that.

Pastor Vows ‘Satan and Virus’ Won’t Stop 2000-person Easter Service.  I will not tempt schadenfreude, but I’m not holding you to the same standard.

Delaware Nursing Homes At Center Of Outbreak.  I will not mention his name, but one of those quoted in this article helped lead the opposition to strong nursing home reforms in Delaware. I have nothing but contempt for him and for those who placed profits above people. Twenty years after we fought for these reforms, got them enacted, only to be largely thwarted by Vince Meconi and his henchperson Carol Ellis, we once again see the fruits of their ill-intended labors.

Happy two-days-after-crucifixion-day!

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  1. bamboozer says:

    The Times article on Trump’s dithering is damning indeed, showing a leader who is anything but, and a support team at war with itself. As the pandemic crises progresses and more American die across a wider swath of the nation suspect ever more blame will stick to Trump, nightly reality show ratings or not.

  2. RSE says:

    Just look up what many politicians and experts were saying in Jan-Feb about the Corona virus. In Feb Dr. Fauci was totally downplaying the Pandemic as late as the end of February , and politicians on both sides were doing the same thing.

    Some advice from someone with almost no medical background..take it or leave it:

    Take your shoes off before you go into your house and make sure the bottom of your shoes are disinfected.

    Don’t drive around in traffic with your windows open, and maybe put your climate controls on recirculate for good measure if warranted.

    Try to use just one hand for doing things in public i.e. pumping gas, getting takeout, and save your clean hand to take your hand sanitizer out of your pocket.

    Protect your eyes in conjunction with wearing your mask.

    Don’t stand downwind of people.

    • RSE says:

      Oh, and I wonder if there should be some sort of mat or platform of some sort with a disinfectant on it that you walk over before you enter and after you exit high traffic areas such as grocery stores etc..Could be something as simple as a carpet with a bleach solution on it.

      • meatball says:

        Ummm, its a respiratory illness….but whatever. #conspiracytheories

        • RSE says:

          Ummm, it’s been found on the bottom of people’s shoes, especially medical workers…but whatever.

        • Alby says:

          And you should know that the presence of the virus on surfaces does not mean it’s viable.

          People who don’t know science and get their information from fascism-tainted sources will get what they deserve.

  3. RSE says:

    The source is the CDC, and in addition to the innumerable examples that can be given, I would imagine that my 63.3 cc STIHL® backpack blower that I’m about to use could lift some viruses off the ground and then some.

    • Alby says:

      The CDC is not to be trusted in fascist hands.

      See the comment above. There are no “viruses on the ground.” Stop pissing your pants in our living room.

  4. Alby says:

    As for what Dr. Fauci said in January, the difference between a scientist and the Orange Anus is that a scientist gets new information and learns from it.

    Fascists just repeat bullshit because they want to believe it.

  5. RSE says:

    I think I’ll still go with…there are “viruses on the ground”… And I keep wondering where the regiment of guys(and girls of course) in hazmat suits with disinfecting sprayers are….I want to see a line of them working their way down Rehoboth Ave. and 2nd St. in Lewes, just like I saw in some of the countries that are now getting back to some form of normalcy…Err on the side of caution, right?

    • Alby says:

      Go ahead. Better safe than sorry.

      You won’t see what you’re looking for anywhere in America. Nor will you see normalcy in a form most people would recognize.

      People are not going to frequent bars, restaurants or tourist destinations in anything like “normal” numbers until a vaccine is ready.

    • puck says:

      The virus mostly lives on people’s moist bits. If there is virus on the ground, it just fell off of a person. Spraying the outdoors is very expensive; I’d rather just wait three days and wait for the virus to die. That said, it is probably useful to have people spray high-use areas like outdoor aprons around an entranceway, or subway stairs, or wiping down handrails and such.

    • meatball says:

      Not picking on you….but you know this kind of thinking and action gave rise to what the media calls “superbugs.” MRSA, VRE, ESBL, ARCDIFF.

  6. RSE says:

    Just out of curiosity I looked into leaf blowers and covid19 and found this link and others..(seems to be a movement)…would mean less work for myself, but people’s yards, sidewalks, and driveways would look like shit.


  7. Alby says:

    Wasn’t even looking for this, just saw it at the Philadelphia Inquirer web site:


    If you don’t want to click through: Just take your shoes off at the door and don’t put them on the table.