Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Mon., April 13, 2020

The Biden Rape Allegation Surfaces.  I, for one, don’t dismiss it as out-of-hand.  Her allegations should be investigated.  Did she file a complaint with the Senate in 1993, as alleged?  So far, there is no corroboration. But people dismiss sexual assault allegations at their own risk.  Better to find out now than in, say, October.

Relief Legislation Enables Government To Hide The Names Of Recipients From Public.  Can’t anybody here play this game?  Seriously, how can this happen? Did John Carney and the Delaware Chamber of Commerce write this part of the legislation? We were told that this would be a transparent process.  We were lied to. Again. Here’s just one example of undeserving recipients of relief money.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  The carnage so far:  557,590 confirmed cases and 22,109 deaths in the United States.  Three times as many confirmed cases as the #2 country. This despite all the advance warning we had.  You just know that Trump would fire Fauci if he could.

The Only Mitch McConnell Profile You Will Ever Need.  A great piece by the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer.  It even features a brief detour into the then-racist practices of the DuPont Company. A must-read.

Is Bacon Endangered By The Coronavirus?  Smithfield plant closed when 230 workers test positive for coronavirus.  How can we live without one of the essential food groups? Bacon may not be endangered, but this might just be the last straw for me.

How Corrupt Trump Pals Got Their Pardons.  Quite the rogues’ gallery, each one with ties to the Rogue-In-Chief.

How Does Delaware Decide What Businesses Are Essential?  This governor, more than any other who I can recall, has consistently kept information from the public.  I will again ask, if you can make an appointment to buy a gun, why can’t you make an appointment to buy, or at least pick up an order of, books?  John, I’d prefer to patronize a local book store. I won’t do Amazon b/c they’re evil, but, in the absence of alternatives, I’ll just have to order from Powell’s Books in Portland.  Their gain is Delaware’s loss.

What do you want to talk about?

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