Song of the Day 4/15: Warren Zevon, “Life’ll Kill Ya”
If Warren Zevon were still alive, he’d probably re-title this one “Trump’ll Kill Ya,” but the real reason I thought of it is this line in the first verse:
You need a permit to walk around downtown.
That’s now the literal truth here in Paris, where you have to show papers listing your name, address, the reason for being out of your dwelling and the time you left. You print them out and fill them out yourself, but you’re not allowed further than 1 kilometer from your home or to be out for more than 1 hour. The fine for a first offense is €130 ($141).
So far, you cannot obtain a license to dance, but America is arguably the Kingdom of the Spiders, so I’d say Zevon called this one. The song is the title track from his 2000 LP, recorded before he got his terminal cancer diagnosis.