Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., April 16, 2020

DeMatteis To Delaware Prisoners: Just Die Already.  They can make masks, they are making masks, they just can’t have any.  This is a real quote from Carney’s favorite fixer on what she perceives to be a low number of positive cases in the prison system:

Pretty remarkable, right?” said Delaware Department of Correction Commissioner Claire DeMatteis on Wednesday. “Other states have had dozens and hundreds and thousands.”

Other states have, to put it mildly, a whole lot more people in them than Delaware.  A complete lack of empathy and common sense.  I’d have expected that from Jim Vaughn, but not Claire DeMatteis.

Small Business Loan Fund Runs Out.  As Stephanie Ruhle points out, a lot of the money ‘went to the savviest, not the neediest’.  If you don’t have a ‘relationship with your bank’, you’re screwed.

Banks Can Take Stimulus Checks If Accounts Overdrawn.  Relief for banks is paramount, of course. BTW, Some more IRS stimulus follies.

Trump Threatens To Adjourn Congress In Order To Make Appointments.  He apparently got a bug up his yu-u-u-ge butt about something someone said on the Voice Of America. And his guy hasn’t been confirmed. His guy? A conservative filmmaker who has had two films produced by, wait for it, Steve Bannon

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.:   The latest carnage: 639,644 confirmed cases and 30,985 deaths in the US.  Looks like Trump’s Reopening The Country Group is falling apart before it gets startedCEO’s demand more testing before reopening.

Kentucky Rethugs Pass Voter Suppression Legislation.  Actually, they overrode a series of gubernatorial vetoes to do it. And bragged about it. The criminal conspiracy continues in broad daylight.

Arizona Looks Ready To Turn Blue.  The polling has been consistent in both the presidential and senatorial contests.  Don’t think Trump’s pandemic response will help him in a state with so many seniors.

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