DL Open Thread: Friday, April 17, 2020

Filed in Featured by on April 17, 2020

Delaware’s Budget No Longer Operative.  In fact, right now, the total impact is unknowable.  I may be the only one, but I’m not upset that the Delaware General Assembly has not yet planned some sort of virtual reopening. First of all, it’s not easy. 62 legislators, staff, and a system that is not geared for this. It hasn’t happened before. And just what would they do? Whatever work the Joint Finance Committee did likely no longer applies.  It appears that, for now, the governor has enough executive authority to keep things running.  Yes, they need to address the financial issues and those attendant issues stemming from the pandemic. Maybe they’ll even help close the budget gap with additional taxes on Delaware’s wealthiest (It is a new world, after all). But I don’t see why they can’t accomplish what they need to accomplish if they get back by June.

Trump Punts: States On Their Own On Reopening And Testing.  The federal testing ”program’, which is essentially KMAG YOYO, has been an abject failure.  Could anyone have imagined any President simply not addressing the key issue in a pandemic?  Not to mention enabling a wild west war on securing essential supplies.  I guess his final defense will be “I didn’t do anything, so how could it be my fault?” Well, he’s doing something. He’s sending ventilators to Russia.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  The carnage count: 671,425 confirmed cases and 33,286 confirmed deaths in the US.

Pro-Trump Protesters Demand States Reopen.  Their battle cry?: ‘You have to disobey’.  Most protests feature guns and no social distancing.  An exercise in self-extinction? Fear of schadenfreude prevents me from speculating.

OSHA Guarantees That Vulnerable ‘Essential’ Workers Will Be Infected. What better time to roll back worker protections than during a pandemic?

Are Positive Tests Flat Because The Curve Is Flattening…Or…:  …is the curve flattening because testing remains flat?  This article makes a strong case for the latter.  Weeks into this, and we’re only doing 145,000 tests daily, and has remained at that level since April 1.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    As Rick Wilson pointed out, we now have more deaths than Hillary had emails.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Count me in for pro self extinguish, be they holy roller church goers or the tough guys with their precious guns and confederate flags. It’s been said that at some point Trump will be gone, but that the fools that voted for him will still be here, perhaps this is the way out. By the way, “open up” as you will, I’ll still be self distancing and wearing a mask and gloves. This ain’t over by a long shot.

  3. Trump is now leading the cheers to ‘liberate’ states from governors who place the public health first:


    You just KNEW he would do this. Throwing shit on the wall IS his reelection strategy.

    • Dave says:

      While in the Mexican state of Yucatan:

      Yucatan = 140 cases, 8 fatalities. Empty beds with ventilators waiting for customers. Lockdown in place. Dry law in effect. People turned away at the checkpoint on the borders of Yucatan. Grocery stores (including Costco, Walmart, Home Depot) are delivering along with all the restaurants. Schools closed. Beaches closed. Airport closed. Law passed, if you are infected and are out and about you go to jail for 3 years. We ain’t havin none of that Corona Crap here! This governor don’t play. Extended quarantine until May 15.

      Of course, the dry law sucks, but hey we’ve got liquor and beer. We loaded up when we got here. Amazon has caught on to the dry law here and is no longer delivering alcohol, but before that everyone was delivering alcohol. And yes, in Mexico, they will deliver alcohol, which can be bought in most stores.

  4. Delawarelefty says:

    With patriotic Americans safely sheltering at home, a band of diseased red headed magat zombies has taken to the streets. America looks like a scene from the Purge, hopefully the zombies will kill each other.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    These protests are very much in-line with the protests that Russia organized in 2016 with useful idiots on the ground. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they end up being behind the start of this.

    • Alby says:

      A RWNJ group linked to the DeVos family is behind the one in Michigan.

      Interesting how small these are compared with the Tea Party. So I guess this is the Weak Tea Party.