Fascists Hate Their Name

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 17, 2020

They want to pretend they’re Republicans, or patriots, or whatever label they prefer to what they are.

They are fascists. Call them that, on every reference. I’ve been doing that for several days now and they really, really hate it. Calling them Nazis just rolls off their brown-shirted backs, but call them fascists and they get really pissed off.

Why? Because they’re fascists, and they don’t like being called out on it.

Remember, the secret of branding is repetition. So I will call them fascists on every reference.

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  1. Stat says:

    I can’t imagine anybody respects your opinion enough to get upset.

  2. Mouse says:

    The 45 fascist freak cult.

  3. meatball says:

    At least the $1200 can trickle up for the billionaire fascists.

  4. A says:

    Good luck winning elections. Your branding “strategy” won’t work. Politics is about power. Those who win have the power. You will not win the needed voters by calling the other team fascists.

    • Alby says:

      I am not trying to win elections. We are in a (so far moderately peaceful) civil war, and my goal is to eliminate the fascists.

      You apparently have never noticed that the fascist party has no power in Delaware, because they don’t win elections. Yet we still live under fascist policies: Opaque government that caters to business interests above the people.

      Have fun with your elections, and start thinking about which side you’ll be on when the peaceful part ends.

      • A says:

        Save the hyperbolic civil war talk. Wouldn’t winning elections “eliminate the fascists” too?

        • Alby says:

          Has winning elections worked so far? No, it has not. Democrats got more votes in 4 of of the past 5 presidential elections, but have held the actual office for only 8 of those years, and their power was negated during those 8 years by total obstruction. During those 8 years their ability to appoint a SCOTUS justice who would have tipped the balance to moderates — Garland was no liberal — was also negated.

          Am I going too fast for you?

          Nationally, we currently have what amounts to minority government. We observe the “norms” that Trump doesn’t so long as that minority — let’s call them Confederates, because that’s the name they took for themselves last time — maintains at least a veto over possible progressive solutions.

          The same situation held at the time of the shooting civil war. Confederates held outsized power, amounting to minority rule, and when they lost it — Lincoln hadn’t even taken power yet, he simply won the election — they resorted to secession and, ultimately, force.

          If Democrats manage to gain control of the federal government in 2020 — let’s say they not only win the presidency but both chambers of Congress as well — how do you think the fascists, the present-day Confederates, will react?

          Do you think they will accept the outcome? If so, why, considering that they have refused to accept that outcome for 28 years now?

          We are already in a civil war. It’s is currently a cold war, with nothing but stochastic terrorism, mostly from their side (the baseball practice shooting shows it’s not entirely from their side).

          This has a strong possibility of erupting into violence. Your refusal to consider that possibility, which I would say is at least a 50-50 probability, shows either your own naivete or willful blindness.