Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., April 19, 2020

If An Unhinged President Gives An Unhinged Press Conference, Is It News To Show That The President Is Unhinged?  I’m asking the journalists among us, and there are a few.  I think the answer is yes, but it should be buttressed with analysis by mental health professionals and discussion of what it means for the Presidency and the country.  I’m surprised I hear so little talk of the 25th Amendment. I mean, I hate to criticize a president who has saved billions of lives, but there you have it.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  US. Global. The latest carnage: 735,287 confirmed cases and 39,090 deaths in the US

Trump Sends Masks To China. Ill. Governor Buys Masks From ChinaTrump PO’d.  Needless to say, governors should not have to scour the world for overpriced masks while the president disavows any responsibility for getting the supplies. What would Trump have Pritzker do since Trump has told governors that they’re on their own?

How Seattle Turned A Soccer Match Into A Covid-19 Petri Dish…and the great lengths they went to to cover up its malfeasance.  Great reporting from Pro Publica and the Seattle Times

‘CEO’s Are America’s Real Moral Hazard’.  Robert Reich speaks the truth–again.

More Infections At Delaware Prisons.  At some point, Claire Dematteis’ Nurse Ratched impression will wear thin–as thin as the protections she’s not providing.

General Assembly In Limbo.  I’m totally fine with this for now.  A good article from Matt Bittle on where we stand.  BTW, I subscribe to the Delaware State News. It’s worth it.

What do you want to talk about?

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