Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Monday, April 20, 2020

Trump’s Plan A And Plan B: Either Way, You Lose.  One great point among many others: Workers at meat processing plants are expendable since they’re not part of Trump’s America. A must-read.

These Antibody Tests Are Not Operative.  Well, that sucks.

Stoopid Rethuglican Governor Coronavirus Tricks.  Iowa Governor Won’t Even Close Infected Meatpacking PlantsFla. Governor Reopens Beaches. One official in Florida says it best:

“When a person doesn’t believe in science, they do dumb things,” Lake Worth Beach City Commissioner Omari Hardy tweeted. “When a person in power doesn’t believe in science, they do dumb things that hurt the public. This move is so dumb that I had to make sure it wasn’t fake news. You guys, it isn’t fake news.

DeSantis, BTW, has been withholding vital information from Florida residents.  Gee, I wonder why…

Ladeez And Gentlemen…Your Testing Czar.  Brett Giroir was forced out of his job at Texas A & M because he was ““more interested in promoting yourself” than getting the job done.  That’s a pandemic in this Administration. Actually, the article is, pardon the expression, fair and balanced.  It’s not all bad and it’s not all good. Quality journalism.

Trump-Supporting RWNJ’s Challenge Nurses At Denver Hospital.  They truly are the ‘horribles’.  Reveling in irresponsibility at every turn. In other words, Trump’s base.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  GlobalUS.  The latest carnage: 759,786 confirmed cases, and 40,683 confirmed deaths in the US.

Smithfield Executive Says It Out Loud: Our Workers Are Expendable.  This company deserves extinction.  Here’s the quote that illustrates the point perfectly:

In a statement published on the Smithfield Foods website, Chief Executive Kenneth Sullivan struck a defiant tone.

“We have a stark choice as a nation: we are either going to produce food or not, even in the face of COVID-19,” wrote Sullivan. The current push to temporarily close plants for cleaning, he added, “is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply.”

In other words, let ’em die so that you can eat bacon. I love bacon, but not that much.

Which reminds me: Just how safe are Delaware’s chicken plants, and just how diligent will Delaware be in protecting the workers at those plants?

Houston Livestock Show Went On Despite Coronavirus Threat.  Commerce over lives in Texas.  Yep, another Pro Publica collaboration, this time with the Texas Tribune.  As someone who surfs the best sites every day, I strongly encourage contributions to Pro Publica, Mother Jones, The Guardian, Reuters, and whatever other great journalistic organizations that you like.

Congress’ Secret Oversight Weapon On Coronavirus Spending.  The Government Accounting Office is funded, armed, and already bird-dogging the spending.  Hey, might as well end on a rare positive note.

What do you want to talk about?





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