“Are we at the beginning of the beginning or the end of the end of this thing?”

Filed in National by on April 21, 2020

I was shocked to hear from a Republican who said that we were near the end of the economic strife caused by the Covid19 pandemic. The end?

I put us much closer to the beginning. Some laid off people stiff have paychecks in the pipeline coming in. The billions spent to keep “small businesses” afloat has been sucked up by large chain operators. Even if the virus has leveled off, I see at least 6 moths of economic misery before we get to the end of the middle.

Am I being pessimistic?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. Alby says:

    Their denial of reality affects all aspects of their lives.

    The Grand Reopening is going to be a massive dud. Polls consistently show 60+ percent won’t feel safe going to public events until there’s a vaccine. Anyone who is high-risk, and everyone in their families, will continue to avoid crowds. Retail operations are in big trouble, and the effects of their downfall will continue for months if not years.

    This should be obvious to anyone capable of abstract thought: If business transactions decline by just 10% you’ve got a recession on your hands. I think a lot more than 10% of consumers will decline to participate in the reopened economy.

    Fascists are as capable as anyone else of seeing this, and they do. They only believe otherwise because they want their Anus Emperor to get re-elected.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Agree with Alby, this is the beginning and nowhere near the end. A great many are now unemployed, the “really great economy” lies in tatters and most Americans rightfully remain scared. There will be no great rebound and the next round of stimulus will fail as well when the usual bad actors in congress get their hands on it. Hunker down for the long haul, if your a Boomer remember your parents and grand parents words about the Great Depression: Fear It! But don’t lie about it.

  3. puck says:

    Stimulus and rescue packages will fail if they focus on making banks and their investors whole, instead of the people. Even when relief money goes directly to people, if they shovel it into the insatiable maw of the banks for their mortgages, car payments, and rents it will be of little benefit. Back debts for individuals and familes need to be cancelled and renegotiated on terms favorable to the people.

    • Mouse says:

      Even money going directly to people ends up sticking to stockholders, CEOs and other economic parasites and must keep flowing in.

  4. Trump2024 says:

    I suspect you guys are already on long term disability…

    • Jason330 says:

      I suspect you are the jabroni who thinks we are at the end of the end of the economic strife.

      Back to normal by Easter, right?

  5. Tanya says:

    What Republican?

    • Jason330 says:

      Some Fox News loving screwball. Does it really matter? They all ingest and endlessly regurgitate the same nonsense.

      • Tanya says:

        In other words you don’t know.

        • John Kowalko says:

          “In other words you don’t know”. Excellent choice of words to summarize and define every daily “Orange Imbecile” press conference/rally. Also an excellent phrase to define and analyze every Fox News, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, Judge/Nitwit Jeanine, Pence, McConnell, Graham statement and action. I think you’ve hit on the appropriate Republican campaign slogan. “In other words we don’t know/care”
          Representative John Kowalko

          • Tanya says:

            No. I merely pointed out Jason 0330 didn’t know the answer to my question.

            • John Kowalko says:

              Well congratulations anyway. You’ve inadvertently stumbled upon a key platform plank for those Republicans that still blindly support the resident nitwit occupying the Whitehouse. “IN OTHER WORDS WE DON’T KNOW” (and we certainly don’t care to know). “God bless Wall Street”

              • Biden2020 says:

                Good for you John – To bad we all can’t have a tax payer backed Retirement plan.

              • John Kowalko says:

                Hey run for office. (Eighth and French st. fourth floor). Here’s wishing you all the luck you deserve. But I wouldn’t advise running on the Trumpian coattails or the Fox network, Koch bros. pure greed platform. Probably should take that chapter out of your playbook–“I’ve got mine, but I still resent and want what you got”.

              • Alby says:

                You don’t even have to run for office. Become a schoolteacher. Take any public service job.

                Jealousy isn’t a good look.

            • Alby says:

              Or maybe it’s just a private citizen whose name doesn’t matter in this context. Just because you ask doesn’t mean you’re entitled to an answer.

  6. Mouse says:

    I suppose I would get beat up pretty good if I complained about not being able to bike on the boardwalk and having my Chincoteague vacation canceled, so I won’t lol.

    • Luis says:

      Don’t feel too bad Mouse. My wife and I were suppose to leave mid June for a motorcycle trip to Montana and from there kick off a bucket list ride to Alaska and back to Colorado before returning home. All cancelled, just sayin.

    • Tanya says:

      Mouse- if I had to guess, a school girl could beat you up.

  7. Mouse says:

    Actually, I am quite fortunate to be able to bike out of my driveway to beaches on Rehoboth Bay. I’m just greedy and spoiled living the vacation life.