Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tues., April 21, 2020

Trump Seeks To Ban Immigrants Under Cover Of Covid-19.  Trump’s replaying his hits seeking to earn the nostalgia vote in November.  Most of the impacted immigrants already have family in the US.

Stoopid Rethug Governor COVID-19 Tricks.  Liberty over life.  Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee.   Look for a new spike in 3-4 weeks. It’s inevitable. Atlantans are not impressed with Kemp’s plan to reopen. BTW, how do you maintain social distancing in a tattoo parlor? 

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd. Global. US.  The latest carnage: 787,960 confirmed cases and 42,364 deaths in the US.  That’s another 1700 deaths over the past 24 hours.

How Ruth’s Chris Steak House Grabbed Small Business Millions.  The JP Morgans of the world taking care of its largest customers while mom-and-pop businesses get screwed. Who could have imagined that tasking the huge corporate banks with disbursing these funds would go so wrong?

Yep, Milwaukee Voters Test Positive For Coronavirus.  Tell me again how Rethugs can call themselves the pro-life party?

Kushner’s So-Called Shadow Coronavirus Task Force Rife With Conflicts-Of-Interest.  He’s only in it for the money. Great reporting from Mother Jones. A must-read

‘Another Nail In An Almost-Closed Coffin’.  Administration officials say that, if Trump doesn’t solve the testing problem, and soon, he’s toast.

Corporate America Seeks Protection From Lawsuits.  Will Corporadems Roll Over For Them?  Chris, Chris? 

Delaware Revenues Plummet, Will Impact Budget.  Time to make the wealthy pay their fair share. If not now, then it’s never gonna happen. Here’s an idea: a one-time 5% wealth tax on Delaware’s wealthiest 5%.

What do you want to talk about?

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