Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Trump Hotel Seeks Breaks From Trump Administration.  You gotta love this ‘just treat us like everybody else’ bleat from Eric Trump. The only reason that hotel was ever a cash cow is b/c Trump is President and expects everybody to stay there, or he’ll screw them.  This article perfectly illustrates the hazards associated with deep-sixing the Emoluments Clause.  It’s not just the Feds.  It’s Trump’s favorite money-laundering financial institution Deutsche Bank as well from whom he’s seeking relief.

Yes, Russia Helped Trump In 2016.  According to the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee.  Approved unanimously by a committee that includes Tom Cotton and John Cornyn.

The Latest Trump Villain: Harvard.  Never mind the facts, the meme is what’s important.  The money, which is going to a shitload of schools, is to provide financial aid to needy students.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd. GlobalUS.   The latest carnage: 825,306 confirmed cases, and 45,075 deaths in the US

Stoopid Rethuglican  Coronavirus Tricks.  Missouri AG sues, wait for it, ChinaGeorgia governor faces withering criticism for ‘reopening’ state. The order is even more hazardous than you might think:

Kemp, in his remarks Monday, stressed that his directive overrides local orders, saying, “Local action cannot be taken that is more or less restrictive.”

Even noted Trump proctologist Lindsey Graham expresses ‘concern’ that Georgia is opening too soon. Of course, that’s b/c Georgia is South Carolina’s neighbor. Otherwise, he’d have no objections.

BTW, here’s one very plausible reason why Gov. Kemp is doing this:

If there’s no state order calling for businesses to be closed, the people who are unemployed can no longer claim that their unemployment is involuntary, even if it would be utter idiocy for them to return to work. A hairdresser or a massage therapist cannot maintain social distance. But they can certainly file for relief … unless the law says they can work.

“Gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbers, cosmetologists, hair designers, nail care artists, estheticians, their respective schools & massage therapists.”

Not banks. Not software firms. Not factories. Not schools.

It is no coincidence that the businesses on this list are staffed by relatively poor people. Because that’s who he wants off the unemployment rolls. And if they die … well, they’re mostly black people, or Asian, and poor, and an acceptable political loss for a Republican governor.

Senior Citizens No Longer Support Trump’s Handling Of Coronavirus Crisis.  Among other things he oozes, Ol’ Joe oozes empathy.  If he just breaks even with seniors, Trump gets crushed in a landslide.

The Rethug Deep-Pockets Donors Behind The ‘Spontaneous’ Anti-Lockdown Movement.

Sussex County Hot Spots Spark Concern.  As you might suspect, poultry workers are especially at risk.  You know, Latinos.

Claire Dematteis Opposes Greater Protections For Prisoners.  Read her gobbledygook about prisoners drinking alcohol from hand sanitizer.  This will not end well.  What a shock-a bureaucrat with no empathy. Business as usual in Delaware.

What do you want to talk about?




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