Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., April 23, 2020

Breaking: 4.4 Million More Americans Filed Jobless Claims Last Week.  To quote Springsteen, some of these ‘jobs are going, boys, and they ain’t coming back’.

Trump Fires Vaccine Czar.  Well, ‘relocates’. Why? Because he wouldn’t push Trump/Fox News’ miracle drug hype. Yes, the cheerleaders have gone silent on that one because the test results sucked.  At least we’ve got 30 mill doses of it on reserve awaiting the next malaria outbreak.

McConnell: Let The States Go Bankrupt.  The Rethugs’ version of Federalism: Throw all responsibility on the states and then stick ’em with the bill.  I’ve run out of synonyms for ‘odious’.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  Global. US.   The latest carnage: 842,624 confirmed cases and 46,785 deaths in the United States. Another 1700 deaths yesterday.  Looks like we hit 50,000 some time on Saturday. The virus is making serious inroads in traditional R states now.  Nursing homes and meatpacking plants.  It’s not just for effete NYC liberals any more.  Whenever I see a hot spot, I check out the impacted county on Wikipedia, and then look at the political breakdown and Presidential vote for those counties.  This thing is firmly entrenched in Trump country now. Schadenfreude prevents me from making further observation.

Lawless Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Stay-At-Home Orders.  When these posse comitatus types use the term ‘law-abiding citizens’, you can bet that they’re breaking the law.  Refusing to enforce the law is breaking the law.

Rethugs Using Coronavirus To Shut Down Voter Registration.  If you can’t assimilate a pandemic into your voter suppression plan, you don’t deserve to be called a Rethuglican.

Local Officials Struggle With Budget Cuts. Matt Meyer and Mike Purzycki have differing approaches to the tough decisions just ahead.

What do you want to talk about?

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