Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Weds., April 29, 2020

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  Global. US.  US passes two deadly milestones: Over 1 million cases, and more deaths than in the entirety of the Vietnam War.  That’s more deaths than the 19-year Vietnam War, accomplished in 100 days. 

Tennessee Reopens On Day Of Single Largest COVID-19 Spike.  I wonder if Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, a Democrat, will put up roadblocks to keep any Vols out of the state.  I would.

Lindsey Graham’s Opponent Gains Traction.  I know the race is still considered ‘Safe Republican’.  But, I’ve been there. When a political tsunami hits, and it could well hit the R’s this year, even people perceived as ‘safe’ get washed away.  I’ve been on both sides of those surges, and I would not be shocked if even Graham goes down.

For-Profit Hospital Chains Oppose Medicare Expansion, Fight For Bailout Funds.  It’s what they do–provide as little care as possible, pocket as much money as possible. Speaking of despicable hospital practices, aggressive debt collection against destitute patients continues unabated

Rep. Amash To Run For President As Libertarian.  If the election is close, his move could benefit Trump by giving disaffected R’s somewhere else to go.

Up Next For Trump?: The Grand Reopening Tour.  Because ‘only he’ can restore the ‘greatest economy the world has ever seen’.  Isn’t it about time that somebody, aka every single Democrat, points out that there was an 11-year economic recovery, and that the first eight years took place under President Obama? Who, BTW, legitimately inherited a terrible economy from Dubya?  Trump makes that assertion about building the world’s greatest economy and it largely goes unchallenged.  Not to mention, the implosion of said economy took place under Trump.

Has The Coronavirus Shattered The Myth Of College In America?  While this piece only scratches the surface, I think the answer is yes–at least to the extent that what passes for the ‘college experience’ may well be changed forever, and it may not be a bad thing.

Sussex County Officially A Covid Hot Spot.  Mitigation efforts, including widespread testing will focus largely on poultry plant employees and other migrant workers.  Other than Sam Wilson, even downstate R political leaders seem to be on board.  I think the Governor is doing a real good job on this.

What do you want to talk about?

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