Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sunday, May 3, 2020

Trump Fires Author Of Report Critical Of The Federal Pandemic Response.  You won’t inspect/If you don’t genuflect.

Oklahoma Yahoos Defy Order To Wear Masks. The mayor had to back down to protect workers who were being threatened.  We’re getting closer to armed insurrection every day, and the President is pushing for it. 

Rethug PPE Firm Failed To Deliver Any PPE, Gets Fired.  Gee, you throw $12.5 mill at two R operatives who just started the firm in mid-March. What did you think was gonna happen? Fulfilling contracts is for suckers.

A Modern-Day Cassandra Peers Into Her Crystal Ball–And Finds Nothing Reassuring.  A must-read. She knows her stuff, and she places it in context as well as anybody.

Tara Reade: No ‘There’ There?  She now says she never filed a complaint, she canceled a Fox interview with Chris Wallace. I mean, at some point, you’ve got to bring something to the table.  Survivor activists were not impressed with Biden’s statement.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  Global. US.  The latest carnage:  1,133,069 confirmed cases and 66,385 deaths in the US.   Even one Rethug southern governor is reconsidering his reopening of the state after a huge spike in cases. Cases are also spiking in TexasAnd Georgia. Not to mention, the impact of these reopenings will not be reflected for up to three more weeks.

Brooklyn Federal Jail Officers Accused Of Destroying Medical Records. To hide the impact of the coronavirus.

‘Trump’s Lethal Plan To Reopen The Economy’.  Robert Reich, once again speaking the truth.

What do you want to talk about?

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